Managed Web Hosting

Having a domain name is just the leasing of the name.
Your website, email etc all need hosted somewhere.
There are a lot of places out there, with lots of
varying features, value and skill levels needed to use.

At ShadeTreePC, we do it all for you with our managed hosting.
We do all the updates and changes to your site including custom programs.

Private Label Email Box

If all you need is a private mailbox. This is it. No more calling a foreign country to get recover your mailbox. 

Budget hosting

Hosting for low volume, low risk, low maintenance sites.
These have fewer features for the budget conciense.

Static Sites

Sites in HTML (aka brochure type). Great for sites that don't change often.  Simple, clean and efficient.

Premium Hosting

Full featured dynamic sites for blogs, storefronts, Forums and any database driven content. Higher security and faster support response.


The most common dynamic platform out there. 

Specialty & Custom

We offer special 3rd party programs for Newsletters, Contact Forms, Appointment Booking, and support ticket systems for your company.