Design Options.Site design can be a very personal thing. It can also have a very specific goal in mind.We have clients that want a their site for just their use, ie: intra-net site, or LAN site.Others are only looking for a a brochure and email boxes.Some want a a community site with lots of functionality.We can accomodate just about anything.
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The simpler the site, the less the cost and time. The more complex, the more it takes to implement. Contact Us for a free consult and we'll get you a ballpark estimate.
There are a lot to know about the constantly changing world of search algorithms. And there are lots of misconcepts of "hits" equal people in the door. Know what you are paying for.We do not use robots to make hits. We partner with marketing companies that specialize in local people in the door.
Hits don't equal clients in the door.I've seen many clients spend thousands of dollars on SEO companies that claim lots of hits, but never do they say that it will get clients in the door. Only thing they get is excuses and upsells.
Know what marketing fits your product or service.Not all businesses get their clients through the web. Some industries get a better return on their inventment with print, or live events. Others with a Social Media or live events.
Something for nothing.Everybody wants the latest gadget at a budget price. It's best to have a realistic understanding of the labor and expenses involved in any campaign.Know how much it will cost to break even, or turn a profit.
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